Hotel Afrodite

A variety of activities and services make your holidays special. Depending on your needs we offer endless opportunities to creatively fill your time.

Extreme sports for the most daring. Exotic cocktails, pleasurable times with different styles of music, endless beaches, magical deep blue waters, for those that adopt a more relaxing approach to their vacations.

Swimming Pool -Momments of freshness

And for those that enjoy the swimming pool activities, Afrodite made sure to create a source of freshness during the morning and a romantic atmosphere during the night at the bar near the swimming pool.
Built on the sand of the beach the swimming pool give you the opportunity to organize wedding receptions and any other activity you believe you would enjoy.
The endless golden beach, full of comfortable deck-chairs and umbrellas is a place where except the magnificent sea, you can also enjoy your coffee and engage in sport activities and games.